Éclat is an portable Instant camera with random games. We set up interesting small goals, invite people to achieve them and froze the wonderful monment during the game . Hoping in this way, Éclat can inspire people come up with fun activities that can sublimate time with their loved ones.

The time we have is limited, but the love is infinite. Éclat is here to help catch all the sparkling moments in your life. Take Éclat, light up your love.

We cherish the time we spend with our significant others but when we do stay together, we waste a lot of it. Which restaurant to go to for your birthday? Which movie to watch on a date? What's on for the weekend... ... We always put off making decisions and end up getting nothing done.

Éclat was born to help us.

Developing Sketches

Foam prototypes

CAD model 3 views

3D printed model

Finished model

Camera package iterations

Final package (expanded)

Printed model

First version of film package

Final version of film package

Printed model

Éclat's logo is inspired by the structure of the camera line, the arc is rotated in a circle to become a star.

This is Éclat family!

Currently Éclat offers 3 different colors to choose from, with others on the way, so stay tuned!

Éclat films add a mini-game part to the top back of the traditional instant photo paper. Based on the game's prompts, users need to complete the game and take photos to record the moment.

Once User get the photo, peel off the sticker and stick it in the center of the film. The icons and text will remind people of the story behind the photo. Hope in this way, more memories will be evoked.

Customized service is acceptable. People who want to make their own fun tasks can DIY films in Éclat web and send it as a gift to their families or friends.

Love it

Do it

Feel it

Enjoy it

Love it • Do it • Feel it • Enjoy it •


